A is for Apologetics


Apologetics -- the defense of our Christian faith against other’s objections.

What if the “A” in this blog title was a grade? If you’re like me you get nervous. Apologetics can seem scary enough, but did I get an “A” – was my answer perfect? That’s what we often feel, we want to have the perfect answer.

Maybe the “A” is for Anxiety or even worse, Anguish. Many of us find Apologetics difficult, even scary. Sometimes we avoid it altogether.

Maybe that “A” doesn’t bother us, which is ok as long as we haven’t turned it into Automatic. You know, where we deliver pat answers to a person’s questions without thinking specifically of them, without personalizing our answer to their needs. This is what Deana Davidson does so well. I love listening to her and logging away her natural talent to cater to the person’s needs.

So, what if “A” stood for Able? You are Able right now, where you are to talk about what God has done in your life and what you know to be true. Share your story! God promises his Holy Spirit will always guide you. The Spirit will give you a heart for that person, beyond just an answer.

Bruce Davis