Never Give Up
Today so much pressure is on us from a world trying to lure people away from Christ, it is hard to keep our head from spinning, just to keep up with everything changing. Paul’s words from Romans 12.2 ring more true than ever:
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (NASB)
Brad Minns’ moment was on the tennis court, but it is representative of the feeling we have in our world today. He was one point from losing the championship match. Not only that, he hadn’t won a set in the match to this point. He called on God and made an impossible comeback against the 2 time champion.
The world came make us feel we’re in that same position. Yet, God’s already sealed the victory in Jesus. So regardless of what the world is doing, we can still win in our situations because the ultimate victory is complete. That pressure comes from a desperate enemy trying to make you believe he’s winning. Ignore him. Cry out for God. Pray and read his word. Let your mind be transformed, and then be open to looking for an answer that may not be the one you expected. And regardless of what is going on in the spinning world he will bring his peace and victory to you. Which will be seen by others whether we realize that or not and the Holy Spirit will goad their hearts towards the Son.
Transform over conform. He will give you the power and the path.