Pro Christian Evolution
Using her grasp of biology, evolution and theology, Niamh helps us understand how the Christian version of man explains how we have become who we are and ties together the gaps left open by evolutionists. One of the key areas being the presence of evil in the world.
From age 14 on, Niamh was an atheist in her Catholic homeland of Ireland. Later as a primary teacher, she began work in the Catholic school system but found that she still had to teach a class on religion. The Church made changes that moved more towards stories about Jesus. This led her to a love for our Savior and she asked him into her life. She began her pursuit of Theology which culminated in her PhD in 2003. She lectures at Dublin City University on moral and systematic theology and recently released a book, Homo Lapsus: sin, evolution and the God who is Love. Her book shows how evolution supports Christianity’s view of human history.