Seeing The Eternal to Live Awe in the Temporal


Shelli turns a devastating childhood disease into a passionate trust in God’s word and his promise of hope. She looks for ways to be thankful and in awe of Jesus, knowing that he will one day bring all things to a close, taking away all that hurt and pain. Shelli finds the awe in the sublime and as well as the ordinary, and her passion encourages us all to take that same path.


Shelli is someone who is filled with passion and joy. With a BA in Mathematics and a Masters in Educational Leadership Shelli has been a teacher and a principal at two Christian schools. Currently she serves as Principal at Hillcrest Christian Academy in Bethel Park, PA. 

But her passion for the Lord overflows and we are fortunate it does. She founded Hope & Passion Ministries which has allowed her to share her love with Jesus beyond the school room and community.  She teaches at churches, retreats, seminars and conferences using courses she has created, such as: Apologetics Activated! (a practical primer on apologetics) and The Heaven Event (a ½ day presentation on our eternal home).

Shelli is also a prolific writer having written 3 daily devotionals including Living in Awe!

Bruce Davis