10" Interview with James, the Brother of Jesus
How would it feel to find out the brother you thought was nuts was actually God in the Flesh?
James, The Lord’s Brother: Mark 6.3, Matthew 13.55, Galations 1.18-19, 1 Corinthians 15.7, died a martyred AD 62 in Jerusalem. A Christian Apostle, although not one of the original Twelve Apostles, he was leader of the Jerusalem Church.
James did not a follow Jesus during his public ministry, James and the family tried to pull him away from his ministry because it seemed like he had lost his mind.(Mark 3.21). His conversion was post resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:7) when his brother appeared to him as the risen Lord. By the time Paul had converted and began pursuing his ministry, James was one of the leaders in the Jerusalem church.
He was known for how much time he spent praying and was therefore nicknamed “Camel Knees.” He was martyred in Jerusalem 62ad either by stoning or being thrown off one of the Temple towers.
He is the author of the Book of James in the New Testament.