Jesus and Women
In Jesus and Women Niamh Middleton combines insights from evolutionary biology, feminism and the #MeToo movement to highlight the revolutionary attitude of Jesus towards women.
Niamh M. Middleton most recently lectured about Theology and Philosophy at Dublin City University from 2005 to 2020 until she decided to take early retirement in order to focus on her writing. A former primary school teacher, she previously studied at Mater Dei, Dublin and the Pontifical University Maynooth. Her main area of research concerns the implications of evolutionary theory for Christianity and the relationships between religion and science overall. Her previous publications include Homo Lapsus: Sin, Evolution and the God who is Love (2019). She spent most of her life as an atheist and eventually married her childhood sweetheart Gerry, who had an interest in becoming a Roman Catholic priest. Despite their disagreement on the subject of religion, he eventually decided to not become a priest, due to their desire to get married, which they did, and became parents of two daughters. Middleton remained an atheist for more than a decade after her marriage until a challenging life event caused her to fall back on her religion and draw comfort from it. She became a born-again Christian and in 1994 began a study of theology which culminated with the award of a Ph.D in 2003. She lives in the seaside suburb of Clontarf, Dublin, where she is involved in an ecumenical Bible study group.