Dial Up The Dream - Helping your daughter transition to adulthood
A daughter’s transition to adulthood can be even more stressful on mothers and daughters than the teen years. In this follow-up to her bestseller Dial Down the Drama, family therapist Colleen O’Grady helps you navigate this tumultuous time with an essential guidebook to this important stage of life and your evolving relationship.
Colleen O’Grady
Colleen O'Grady, MA, LPC is a licensed therapist and life coach who helps moms reduce drama, reclaim their lives, and dial up the dream with their teen and young adult. Colleen has a thriving private practice in Houston, TX and coaches’ moms from around the world.
After more than 50,000 hours of working with parents and teens -- and being a mom in the trenches with her own teenage daughter herself -- she published her best-selling book Dial Down the Drama: Reducing Conflict and Reconnecting with Your Teenage Daughter----A Guide for Mothers Everywhere. Her latest release, Dial Up the Dream: Make Your Daughter’s Journey to Adulthood the Best for Both of You (Page Two, May 1, 2022) is now available wherever books are sold.
Colleen is also the creator of the Power Your Parenting: How to Reconnect with your Teen (and Reclaim Your Life). This is a seven-week program with like-minded moms designed to transform negative patterns (drama) into a healthy, fun, loving connection with your teen while you reclaim a life you love.
Colleen has shared her message of practical hope with moms worldwide in Parents, The Wall Street Journal, popular parenting podcasts, and on the red carpet at TEDxWilmington. She is the host of the Power Your Parenting: Moms with Teens podcast, which has been ranked the number one podcast on parenting teens.
Power Your Parenting: Moms with Teens (podcast)