David Raybuck, Alternative Rock Artist


Alternative rock musician David Raybuck released a powerful new single, "He Knows Your

Name," on November 1, 2023. This spiritually charged song offers solace and hope to those grappling

with the weight of suicidal thoughts. "He Knows Your Name" is not just a song; it's a lifeline, a message

of love, and a reminder of the intrinsic worth every individual possesses.

Inspired by the profound words of Psalm 139, which declare that we are wonderfully made and known

by God, this song encourages listeners to call on God for salvation and freedom from hopelessness. In a

world where far too many people believe they are a worthless and meaningless accident, David

Raybuck offers a compelling counter-narrative found in scripture: that God is the one who created

you, and he did not make a mistake by doing so.

“He Knows Your Name” is the latest example of David Raybuck’s unconventional use of

secular-sounding music with lyrics that point people to God. Emotive melodies are woven together

with styles reminiscent of influential artists like Ryan Adams, Coldplay, and Tom Petty to create an

experience that is both catchy and unique. "I am very excited about this song because I believe God is

going to use it to save lives, both physically and spiritually," says David Raybuck.

(Check into the other songs David is releasing throughout the months in 2024. Check on Spotify or SoundCloud)

David Raybuck

David Raybuck is the prodigal singer-songwriter of spiritual alt-rock for music freaks, and he is on a

mission to help people encounter their Creator through music. With far too much generic and dark

music in the world, David wants to reach the ears of music lovers who are stirred by original songs with

undeniable beauty and creativity. He draws from the influences of incredible artists like Radiohead,

The Beatles, Nirvana, The Smashing Pumpkins, Ween, Led Zeppelin, Elliot Smith, Supergrass, Air,

Failure and many others to create music that is catchy yet unique, with flavorings of alternative rock,

folk, grunge, & Americana that sound nothing like what people would expect from “Christian music”.

While David is relatively new to the independent music scene at the age of 42, he has been writing

music since his teenage years. In his youth, his musical efforts were selfishly motivated and led him

down a destructive path. But after rejecting Christianity for most of his life, David realized the error of

his ways in his early 30s and is now dedicated to serving God and sharing his life-changing message

with others.

David lives with his wife Lindsay near Cleburne, Texas just south of Fort Worth, and he is a father of

seven children, pastor at a local church, and professional computer nerd. In the limited amount of

time these roles have spared him, he has continued to write a lot of music over the years, and now it is

finally time to spread it. David produced his debut 14-song album, The Prodigal, in his modest home

studio in 2022. Showbiz Now Magazine called it “one of the most idiosyncratic songwriting

collections released in recent memory as well as one of the finest gospel-themed albums in the

last quarter century.” David is currently working on his second album and is committed to releasing

much more work in the future by drawing from new inspiration and over two decades of unfinished material.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DavidRaybuckMusician

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/david.raybuck/

YouTube:: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9TnXx2Vx6OOCRnjccARp1A

Bruce Davis