Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mount Sinai 1


Hebrews 12. 1,2 (NIV) “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,”

Outside of those in the Bible, are there people you can look to that are a great witnesses of running the race for Jesus? I see the passion and work that Tim Mahoney has done and it gets me charged up. He is running the race with passion and endurance. Not only do I get excited by what he is doing, but the humble way he continues to press on. Because he knows the Bible is true, he continues in a line of men and women that bring us the latest archeological proofs that we can trust what is written.

In this upcoming film, and the next one after it, you’ll be able to follow along using a scorecard to determine which location you feels fits the facts of the true Mt. Sinai. Tim card uses what we are told by Moses as well as logical questions, such as, the size of the land around the Mount. Is it large enough to support the people? Is the water that is mentioned there or was it there at that time?

Join Tim for a great movie that will not only give you a sense of awe, but of the strength behind the biblical account. Only at theaters for 2 days, October 17 and 18, then on Tim’s website.

Bruce Davis