His Only Son
Jesus said, “Pick up your cross and follow me.” That is what Abraham did, ready to sacrifice the most important thing in his life. A son, born to him and his wife at old age when she had been barren. A miracle and a tremendous act of faith as they waited years for the promise to come true. Then you are asked to sacrifice what looks like the hope God has given you.
Hebrews tells us that Abraham reasoned that God would bring him back from the dead, which he figuratively did.
This incident and the movie made me take a hard look at myself. What would I do? Yet, this is what our Lord is calling to us to do everyday at different levels. Give up what we think gives us life, offer it up to the Lord and give all we have for the benefit of others. Abraham’s life did exactly what God promised. Became a blessing to untold others, eventually seen through Jesus, who gave his life as a blessing to all.
This is our call. To express this difference to our divisive, in pain, hurting culture, where gathering for yourself continues to be the ringing theme. Be dying, we live. In Christ there is true joy, peace and love. But without a faith in God for that and sacrificing what we have, we retard our experience to share God’s grace and love.
Let’s bond together in unity and encourage one another to this end. I know I need it!