Kevin Malone and the Shawn Miracle
A question that Kevin and his wife get asked, is, “Why did God perform a miracle with Shawn and not someone else?” Their answer is, “We don’t know.” And that is true. Hard as it is to understand and as tough as it may be to accept, it comes down to trusting God. Believing that in his loving character and infinite wisdom, he knows the right choices at the right time. I know, this can be a tough pill to swallow. We see it in Job. Sometimes it doesn’t make sense to us, and Job was no different. He didn’t receive the answer from God he expected, rather God gave him perspective, “Can you understand or explain my creation?”
We like to control our own ships course. God asks us to relinquish the steering wheel and trust his all-loving, all-wise leadership. He sees beginning and end and all is in his plan and not out of his hands.
Yet, just like the Malone’s, nothing wrong with praying and hoping for a miracle. They do happen. If they don’t happen the way we want, they can still happen in how we move forward with our trust in the goodness of the Lord. People are watching and the impact can be huge.