Awake in the Dawn - Craig Smith


I remember in the movie “Bob” that Bill Murray’s character was told by his Psychiatrist, take baby steps. It was a hard concept for him, and it can be for us too. It reminds me of where Jesus said to him who is faithful with a little, will be given more (my translation). That is what I see in what Craig has done. We all would love to see revival, but first we must allow ourselves to be transformed to transform the world around us.

Look at Craig’s goal for this book: “I hope that these simple devotionals can inspire people to have the first few minutes of their day set the tone for not just their day, but their lives,” Craig continues. “When we give God our full attention, even for just a few minutes, it is transformative. I hope Awake In the Dawn truly awakens a new love in readers. A love for prayer. A love for scripture. And a strong connection with our Father that will transform lives, families, and communities.”

As we allow that transformation, God will entrust more to us. Sometimes we have been trusted with much, but we need to get back to what transforms us so we can do the greater thing to the utmost for God’s glory.

The thing I see in Craigs life is his humble following of God which brought us this devotional fits with the transformational work he is doing around the world with Village2Village. Helping underserved communities break the chain of addiction, poverty, and other misfortunes to, “To transform children with stolen futures into tomorrow’s leaders.

Village2Village Project believes that lasting change is made by loving individuals investing deeply into the life of each child, helping them to reach their potential and make an impact on their communities”

If you haven’t, commit to transformation. Check out Craig’s book. Take some new or renewed “baby steps” into your relationship with Jesus and watch what happens.

Bruce Davis